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Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is a hospital acquired disease, which can be efficiently fought when applying certain strategies. It has a significant impact on patient’s health, length of stay and hospital cost.   Closed suction greatly reduces the potential for contamination from the bacteria which cause VAP. Maintaining a closed breathing system is part of the ventilator care bundle, designed to reduce the incidence of VAP in the hospital.

Closed suction enables a clinician to clear the lungs of secretions whilst maintaining ventilation and minimising contamination with the least possible disruption to the patient.

The Intersurgical TrachSeal™ features an ultra clear, new softer sleeve. This allows the clinician greater feel when inserting the catheter with optimum visibility of blockage assessments.  Our suction control valve is responsive and allows for single handed control of the applied suction force. The positive locking mechanism is designed to prevent suction being accidentally applied.

Trachseal™ closed suction systems are available for 24 hour or 72 hour usage depending on patient requirements. There are two length options to allow attachment to either endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes. The endotracheal products feature a catheter length of 54cm and the tracheostomy tube variants have a catheter length of 30.5cm.

Optionally there are 72 hour products available with a starter pack of saline ampoules for irrigation of the system after each use. Additional saline ampoules are available in individual boxes. These may be used with any of the closed suction systems.


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© Intersurgical Benelux BV, 2025
Vluchtoord 28, 5406 XP, Uden, Nederland
+31 413 24 38 60